Thicker films (>8um) produce a lot of optical fringes. A quick way to sort and measure such complicated spectra is to apply FFT. FILMeasure contains a suite of advanced tools to simply this analysis including: FFT Window Function, intelligent selection of wavelength range, and optical smoothing. We’ll also deal with the effects of measurement spot size and instrument selection. Multi-layered...
Posted Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Measuring adhesion energy of dielectric thin films with KLA Nanoindenters provides unmatched data for improving the interface bond strength. This video provides a quick introduction to measuring adhesion energy.
Posted Friday, July 24, 2020
Posted Thursday, July 16, 2020
Let us consider the interaction of light source, spectrometer resolution, spot size, and numerical aperture of system optics as we attempt to measure films from angstroms to millimeters. It will be assumed for this webinar that the refractive indices are well established for the considered films. To finish off we’ll answer the very popular question: “how good does my GOF have to be?”
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Posted Thursday, July 9, 2020
Traditional testing of laminate layers in a tire requires extensive dissection and can negatively impact the results. ProbeDMA™ eliminates the need to individually dissect the tire layers and allows the quantification of viscoelastic properties with high spatial resolution across layers and at interfaces. This session is a live demonstration of nanoindentation with the KLA nanoindenter to chara...
Posted Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Polymers are exceptionally complex materials—mechanical properties depend on chemistry, processing, and thermo-mechanical history. Instrumented indentation testing dramatically simplifies the mechanical characterization of polymers, because samples can be small and minimally prepared. On bulk materials, values for storage and loss modulus measured by indentation agree well with values measured ...
Posted Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Dr. Warren Oliver provides an overview of applications in nanoindentation and examines recent research on high resolution mechanical properties mapping.
Posted Monday, July 6, 2020
Let’s bring on the thin films! Dr. Jim Elman is back to examine constraints to making good measurements, measuring thick films, and measuring thin films. In this presentation, Dr. Elman explains how the measurements are made and discusses the complication of refractive indices.
Posted Monday, July 6, 2020
Dr. Erica Lilleodden provides an excellent in-depth analysis of strengthening mechanisms and deformation at the nanoscale.
Posted Monday, June 29, 2020
Thin film layers control is extremely important to many technology-based industries. We will look by means of industry examples at two principal optical measurement types; spectral reflectometry and optical profilometry. The aim is to provide you with clarity into the physical working principles, when to use these techniques, and how to apply them to a variety of samples.
Thin-film interferenc...
Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020
Intrinsic hardness of each constituves phases of PcBN were evaluated. Three main hardness peaks were assessed which attributed to TiN binder, cBN particles and composite like phase. Hardness of cBN particles may vary in terms of Boron/Nitrogen ratio.
Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020