Presentation given by Brayer Sousa from Worcester Polytechnic Institute at the USA eUser Meeting in September 2020.
Posted Thursday, October 29, 2020
Presentation by Prof. Danielle Cote from Worcester Polytechnic Institute at the USA eUser Meeting in September 2020.
Posted Thursday, October 29, 2020
Posted Thursday, October 22, 2020
The first foray into the vast number of applications that optical profilometers serve; measuring step heights (coating thickness, etch depth, etc.). We will cover basic topics such as: sample preparation, best practices for data acquisition, and various methods for calculating a step height. We will also discuss transparent films and step heights for different materials, including metals.
Posted Tuesday, October 20, 2020
3D printing is the disruptive manufacturing method of the 21st century. In many ways, it is inferior to traditional methods of casting and machining, because microstructure and defects are not well understood or controlled. Yet, the technique is irresistible due to its speed, simplicity, and portability. High-speed nanoindentation is a critical tool for understanding the link between microstruc...
Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2020
With careful attention to instrumentation and software, nanoindentation experiments can be accomplished at a rate faster than one second per indent. High-speed indentation opens new doors for statistical analysis and mechanical-properties mapping.
Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Mr. Crawford (former manager of the materials-testing laboratory at Johns Hopkins University) shows how to prepare a porous metal for high-speed nanoindentation. He provides recommendations for equipment and demonstrates all aspects of metallographic mounting and polishing.
Posted Friday, September 25, 2020
Posted Thursday, September 24, 2020
Making automated measurements in a production fab requires more than just the capability to measure the feature of interest. The system must have precise measurement results to be able to control the process 24x7. The system must have good matching so that any system used will produce the same measurement results. The system must have seamless recipe transportability so that the recipe can be c...
Posted Tuesday, September 22, 2020
超过8微米的厚膜会产生很多光干涉条纹。 分析这样复杂光谱的一个简洁方法就是用快速傅里叶变换。 FILMeasure 软件包括一系列高智能方法来简化光谱分析。这包括FFT 窗口功能,波长范围自动优化, 以及光学厚度滤波。我们会讲到光斑尺寸的影响以及设备的选配。 还会讲到多层薄膜的应用。
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2020