Dominik Weil of KLA Instruments presents fun and unusual nanoindentation applications.
Posted Friday, July 23, 2021
Technically pure cobalt with a phase transformation temperature of 700 K was investigated by high temperature nanoindentation. From the results of constant indentation strain rate experiments as well as strain rate jump tests the rate controlling deformation mechanisms could be derived. For the low temperature hcp phase from room temperature to 450 K a bcc-like deformation behavior was observed...
Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020
In recent years, nanoindentation systems have been developed which can operate at ever higher temperatures in order to characterize the local mechanical properties and thermally activated mechanisms of high temperature materials such as nickel-based superalloys at their operating temperature. In this work a new ultra-high temperature nanoindentation system for testing at up to 1100 °C will be p...
Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020