Dr. Marzyeh Moradi of KLA Instruments provides a theoretical introduction to nano-scratch testing.
Posted Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Dominik Weil of KLA Instruments discusses creep influence, and Professor Karsten Durst of the Technische Universtat Darmstadt discusses a novel technique for analyzing nanoindentation creep using contact contact pressure.
Posted Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Ph.D student Edoardo Rossi of Roma Tre University presents his work on fracture toughness of FIB-milled and 3D printed pillars. Dr. Marco Sebastiani of Roma Tre University then presents his work with superhydrophobic nanopatterned materials.
Posted Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Valid hardness measurements require actually causing plasticity. Thus, we must know the threshold and locus for the onset of plasticity. In this session, we use the Tresca criterion to understand the onset of plasticity for both Hertzian and conical indentation. These criteria guide our understanding of the minimum depth at which one can measure a meaningful hardness.
Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020