Jennifer Hay of KLA Instruments demonstrates how to test bio or other soft materials using nanoindentation on the iMicro or iNano nanoindenter.
Posted Thursday, December 12, 2024
In digital circuits, materials with low permittivity separate the conducting parts from one another; materials with lower permittivity provide better electrical and magnetic insulation. Continuous reduction in scale drives the optimization problem of lowering the permittivity of the insulator as much as possible, without compromising mechanical integrity, as quantified by the Young’s modulus. ...
Posted Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Low-carbon steels are the first option when designing with steel. They offer good machinability and excellent weldability. To some extent, the strength and ductility can be manipulated by various thermal and mechanical processes, such as working, annealing, and carburization. This session is a live demonstration of standardized nanoindentation with the KLA iMicro nanoindenter to characterize co...
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2019